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Spring Cleaning: Your Social Media

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Spring is in the air. Stop and smell the flowers! But not too much because you may inhale a lot of pollen or get too close to a bee! Eeek. One thing worse than spring allergies is cluttered Social Media! Yepp. I said it. A cluttered social media (especially Instagram) is not good for business.

Two ways social media can be cluttered:

  1. Content is ALL OVER THE PLACE
  2. Your aesthetic is not consistent

Oops. Did I hit home with someone? Well no worries, because I have some quick easy tips to decluttering your social media accounts.

Decluttering your Social Media CONTENT

So, how can your content be cluttered? And does it matter?

Yes and Yes. Or else I wouldn’t be writing this for you.

Cluttered content can impact your time. If you are making up content spontaneously and on the fly, that can be very stressful and it may be hard to maintain consistency. Let’s say it’s Tuesday and you are in the middle of making a huge sale with one of your customers and you have a meeting with a vendor in an hour, but you remember you haven’t posted on social media yet… Now you have to figure how to squeeze in a quality engaging post in the midst of all you have to do. That can be frustrating and cause issues in your time management.

Cluttered content can impact your audience’s buying potential! The potential of your customer buying your product or service can be dependent on how well you are nurturing them. A new customer is less likely to buy than a veteran customer, but once you keep feeding them quality content then may warm up to you a little bit. Once they warm up to you, their buying potential increases.

In this nurturing process, you want to have strategies in place to guide the customer to your product! This is where a content strategy will come in.

For example, let’s say I offer cleaning services and I know I am going to have a sale on carpet cleaning at the end of the month. It would be helpful if throughout the month I posted content relevant to carpet cleaning leading up to the sale. I would be increasing that visual repetition and also giving my customers reasons as to why having clean carpet is important!

Once I put out the sale, they would be more likely to purchase the service because it has been put in front of them multiple times. If your content is sporadic and unplanned, you could miss opportunities to really drive home sales or services.

Decluttering your Social Media AESTHETIC

Instagram is a visual platform and now more than ever, audiences are following their favorite businesses’ and bloggers on Instagram. Your instagram can be as important as your website’s homepage. Think about it. If you look at an old, out-dated website, you are probably thinking, “nah, let me look for someone else.” Just as your website needs to represent your brand and aesthetic, so does your Instagram!

Your Instagram feed is the first thing someone sees when they click on your profile, so you want to drawn them in! If your Instagram is visually appealing, you are more likely to convert a visitor into a follower. Obviously, after they start following you it is still important to be providing them quality content so they stick around, but for that initial conversion, aesthetics play a huge role.

Here is an example of one of our social media management clients:

  • Color Scheme
  • Similar designs
  • Diverse content – Graphics + Photos
  • Helpful content

A few quick ways to nail your Instagram aesthetic:

  1. Check out some of your favorite feeds and notice their aesthetic. Are they bright and airy? Or dark and moody? Is there a single color palette?
  2. Think about where you will be taking your pictures at… this is important because you want to maintain consistency. So if you are going for dark and moody but you live on the beach, that may be hard to achieve!
  3. Create a mood board on Pinterest to help you better visualize how you want your Instagram to look
  4. Download adobe Lightroom mobile and find or create a preset that you can use on ALL your photos, so they are consistent.
  5. Using a planning app like Planoly or Later to plan out your feed prior to posting! This lets you visibly see your grid before you post.


Here is a quick before an after of one of our social media client, Jones Dentistry!

Key Point: Declutter your social media to increase sales and engagement through planned posts and consistent visuals.

If you do not have a brand aesthetic or need help taking your business online, please reach out to us to see how we can get you showing up consistently!

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